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Win with Active FM!!!

Here at Active FM, we have a problem.  We have TOO MUCH HOT MUSIC!!! So you can vote for you favorite song of the year, artist of the year, album of the year, or Active FM Show of the year for 2012 (Click here to download our FREE Shows).  You can stand a chance to win a CD hamper and a T-Shirt.  Click here to send us your votes and enter the competition.

The latest album by DJ Espresso is officially available.  I you love house music mixed with a bit of pop, you'll love this one.  Active FM is proud to be associated with a DJ like Espresso.  This album, which features artists like Denise van de Sandt and Kayla of Active Worship, is sure to be a MASSIVE hit in 2013.  The album is available for FREE!!!


DJ Espresso and Active FM will also be running a Battle of the DJ's contest later this year. Stay tuned to Active FM for more details.

The Milestone Award is given annually to ministries which have more than 50 years of continuous ministry in Christian outreach and broadcasting. Open Doors is celebrating 58 years of serving persecuted believers in restricted countries around the world. Ten ministries will receive the award during NRB’s 70th annual convention March 2-5 in Nashville, USA. The awards will be presented at a dinner March 5 at the Gaylord Opryland & Convention Centre. Read more...

Yes, yes y'all!!!  Get the HOTTEST music bangin' in your ears live every Friday night at 9pm (GMT+2) on our Active FM live broadcast.  On the show we will feature live interviews with guests.  We will also be bringing you exclusive music and surprises.
So all of you who are part of a youth group, or if you simply want to have a blazing HOT Friday with us, log on live on and listen.
Who knows, you could win prizes and hear some of the best mixes featuring one of our DJ's.  Don't miss it.  Christ Music Is HOT Music!!!!

In all countries where Christians are persecuted, researchers recorded 3 641 churches and Christian properties destroyed and 13 120 other forms of violence against Christians such as beatings, abductions, rapes, arrests and forced marriages.

Open Doors researchers also released information on the Top 10 Violence List in the category of faith-related killings during the 17-month reporting period. Nigeria was No. 1 with a total of 2 073 Christian martyrs.


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